Zinc-rich foods that can help boost your immunity

01/12Include these foods in your diet

Just like any other nutrient, zinc is also important for good health. It plays an important role in the activity of over 300 enzymes in our body, which includes strengthening our immune system, cell division, cell growth, wound healing and synthesising proteins and DNA. Even though it is such an essential nutrient necessary for the normal development of the body, a large number of people across the world are suffering from zinc deficiency. As per official data from WHO, about one-third of the world's population do not consume an adequate amount of zinc. One of the major reasons for widespread Zinc deficiency is that just like protein, our body cannot store this nutrient, so a person has to meet his/her zinc requirement regularly.

02/12​The recommended daily intake

According to the USA's National Institute of Health, men above 14 years must consume 11 mg of zinc daily, while women above 14 need 8 mg. For pregnant women, the recommended daily intake of zinc is 11 mg and for breastfeeding women, it is 12 mg. Here are 10 zinc-rich foods that should be a part of your diet.


Animal-based foods are the best source of zinc and meat tops the chart. Red meat, in particular, is a great source of this nutrient. It is also packed with vitamin B12, which is not found in plant-based food products. However, meat is also loaded with cholesterol and fat and consuming too much of it can be dangerous for your heart health. So, it is better to go easy on it.

100 grams of raw mutton contains 4.8 mg of zinc


Shellfish are low-calorie and rich in zinc. Oyster has the highest zinc content as compared to any other food. Other shellfish like crab, shrimp, lobster, mussel contains less zinc than oysters but are still good sources of the nutrients. They are packed with the benefits of Vitamin B12, which is vital for your nervous system, metabolism, and healthy blood cells.

50 grams of Oysters contain 8.5 mg of zinc


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